Nov 16, 2008

Case C-274/05 Commission v Greece

Presudom od 23. listopada 2008. Europski sud utvrdio je da je Helenska republika povrijedila pravo Zajednice, preciznije, Direktivu 89/48, iz slijedećih razloga:

- by failing to recognise the diplomas awarded by
the competent authorities of another Member State following education
and training provided within the framework of a homologation agreement;

– by providing for the application of compensatory measures in more cases than those allowed by Directive 89/48;

– by entrusting to the Saeitte the power
to assess whether ‘the educational establishment in which the applicant
completed his education and training belongs to the higher education
sector’ and whether ‘the applicant has the necessary professional
experience, in a case where the duration of the education and education
falls short by at least one year of that required in Greece in order to
pursue that profession’, and

– by not allowing, in the public sector,
the reclassification in a higher grade of persons recruited at a level
lower than that to which they would have been entitled if their
diplomas had been recognised in accordance with Article 3 of Directive

Link na presudu

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